Life worth living

Capturing the thoughts and moments that make me smile, cry, laugh and sing. Isn't that what makes life worth living?!

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Location: Singapore, Singapore

Monday, February 19, 2007


If you can see a girl you’ve never seen before
And still think you know her from a life past
If all you can think of is to see her a little more
And do just that till the day last
If unconsciously one day you see yourself waiting
By the college door to see her come
And know that you are not going to be tired of waiting
For that is all why to college you have come

If you can gather the heart to tell her one day
And mean it not just the words say
If you can stand there and hear a no
Yet find your feelings grow stronger though
And never doubt your heart
But stay the course till the end from the start
If you can still remain friends
To find that your heart her smile mends

If you can bear one day to say goodbye
And walk up to her to give her your God
Just so she has someone beside her to stand by
And get back nothing but a nod
If you can live that day and yet understand
That it will be her memories that will lend you a hand
When all about you has become distant and cold
When those memories too have become quite old

If you can see her as your wife
The day she says I love you
And see her that way all your life
Till death does part you
If you can find your world in her arms
And think not what more you need
In the moment you kiss to see that those charms
Are all that you want indeed

If you can quarrel – and yet see your heart grow fonder
If you can fight – and yet know one thing inside
That only with her does the path lead to happiness yonder
That you would rather stay and fight with her than be by other’s side
If you can see in her eyes her wish to be with you
And know that your dreams are one not two
Then you have found a woman who loves you
And – which is more – you have learnt what love is too.